Thursday, January 31, 2008

30 days :: 20

30 days :: 20
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
It has been a terribly long and emotional day. I'm in good spirits, especially after walking in and finding that this beauty was waiting to be opened. So beautiful....

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

30 days :: 19

30 days :: 19
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
Tassajaharra pancakes..the Tibetan monks are said to eat these. My favorite part of the recipe, whipping the egg whites by hand till they are peaky.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

30 days :: 18

Reading to self..
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
So, I have to tell you, that right now, I feel so torn inside. My little one, who I think is growing and maturing like the little beautiful boy he is, has been somewhat deemed as "unsure." Let me explain...

We are trying to reserve a spot for him in a nearby Waldorf school, a very established school mind you, for Kinder next year. I have been a stay at home Mama for almost all of his 4 years..actually, for all of them!!

But when he was about 11 months, he had a terrible fall on a water glass that punctured his scalp and brain. Rushed to the emergency room at 5am of my husband's 30 birthday, they removed the glass and called a neurologist in. She arrived with news that he was fine, except for two things: one, that there was a sliver of bone embedded in his brain and two, he has/had Hydrocephalus, or "water on the brain." Now, this Hydrocephalus is not uncommon, it's actually running around in all of its ugliness in many children from birth to adolescents. And my little boy never had the physical signs of it since he is such a large kiddo. So, after an initial surgery of removing the embedded bone, a shunt device was placed.

Now, at the time, I was in shock, panic, depression, and clearly not myself, but the developmental milestones that he was not making, all of a sudden, appeared overnight. As if an angel arrived and began the process of rebuilding, redoing, and readusting my little boys life. So from no crawling to crawling, from no words to words, and from no standing to standing..all in less than 2 months! His fall was a God send and I still thank him daily for that, for that awful, blood everywhere, fall.

But, now, we are noticing awkwardness...physical how he runs, in how he has difficulty doing a few finer motor details. And I tell myself, he's 4, he's just FOUR! Our neurologist told us there may be a few things that show up in his life, learning difficulties and what have you, for he'll have the shunt for the rest of his life. But what I thought was "normal" is not according to the preschool he attends and the Waldorf school for his future. His socialization skills aren't up to par, according to the teacher elites..he doesn't sit still for extended periods, wants to run around, etc. And we don't have a TV for God's sake, never have!! (I'm sorry for ranting and ramblin', but I need some one to hear me!!)

So, I'm feeling a bit my son now has a question mark over his head. And I have never, never in my life, just wanted to run away from it all. Even if just for a moment, to be with God, in complete silence to have a glimmer or an answer if all is "okay."

But I'm here, keepin' on...and I want all of you to know that my son is no question mark. He is mine, he is beautiful, and I'll do what it takes to make sure that he is never "deemed" as unfit....

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

30 days :: 15

30 days :: 15
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
This was last night after our first night via the SAC show. It went well. Full house and a lot of butterflies...

Friday, January 25, 2008

30 days :: Day 14

30 days :: Day 14
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
This was painted yesterday for 30 days. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me at school, but this occurred after process of an Authentic Movement moment.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

30 days :: 13

30 days :: 13
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
yes, it was cold...windy and cold. But I trekked some and made friends with the bare trees. This was an action shot, walkin' and walkin'...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

30 days :: 11

30 days :: 11
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
Some time, for me. Just me. At a special little tea house in Boulder. Brought my latest read, my latest knitting project, and snow was falling like dust outside. Sipping tea, enjoying warmth. And with all of that "me" time, my head, my thoughts were occupied with so many things....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Saturday, January 19, 2008

30 days :: 9

30 days :: 8
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
Preparation for the big show this upcoming weekend. Somatic Arts Concert. I am presenting a work and dancing in it too. This is a pic of Cheryl's solo...

Friday, January 18, 2008

30 days :: 8

30 days :: 7
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
Yes. I have upside down feeling today. You?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

30 days :: 7

30 days :: 6
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
Within my day, I processed. And this centerpiece represented a piece of each of us, heart stones. Our circle, a container of safety and acceptance helps me grow, process, and become more solid in who I am, where I am in my life, and accepting of all that is.

This had a match, a partner...
and now, it stands alone.
May it remind us of what is invisible or not physically seen and the relationship that we have with just that...
an acknowledgment of sorts.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

30 days :: 6

Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
The wonder of it all.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

30 days :: 5

30 days :: 5
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
Strange things are happening everyday
I hear music up above my head
Through the sight of my heart has left me again
I hear music up above

from Raising Sand: Robert Plant and Alison Krauss

Monday, January 14, 2008

30 days :: 4

30 days :: 4
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
A tiresome day...but an exciting one too.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

30 days :: 2

30 days :: 2
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
School. Little man is no longer little and by next year he'll be in Kinder. We went to visit a Waldorf school today and my heart sank in the beauty and wonder of it all...I hope we get in, I am really praying we will. It's unfortunate how expensive this school is, but they offer financial help and tuition waivers. There is nothing better than knowing that my son is in a quality environment and this place, this philosophy, may just be it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

30 days of the everyday

30 days of the everyday
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
This Christmas break, I've been spending the majority of my time with my dear little man. And I have to admit, it has been rather tough. I was a stay-at-home mama for 4 years and now that my life is spent with my head and hands in books via Grad studies, I've had quite a hard transition coming back to spending lovely and intense hours with him.

I was rather moved by this lovely Mama and have decided to document 30 days of my life, with and without my little man. Today is day 1.

Books are often his favorite since we own no Tele and I do miss reading to him. Well, we did just that while waiting for our Boulder bus. I hope he keeps his eyes, hands, and heart surrounded by books for the rest of his childhood. Curious George is often read with laughter and big "Oh no's!!!" May we all remain a bit curious in our lives and welcome to my 30 days...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Universal Letter Writing Week...

In case you didn't know, I am very much a huge advocate of letter writing. I remember when I was a girl being reminded to write ThankYou notes to relatives and friends. And letters, gosh, I would write long letters to friends. When I was in the 7th grade, maybe 6th, I had my first penpal. She was from Mexico and I was devastated when she stopped writing to me. There was a huge earthquake in Mexico City around that time and I was always worried that maybe she died. I would lose sleep just thinking about her. I still think about her and still have that letter.

There is nothing like receiving a handwritten letter and many letters that I have read are often so personal in nature, I feel as if I'm reading a beautiful book. I have a Letter swap on SwapBot and have recently changed the dates for more to sign up. So tell your friends and sit down with some tea or coffee and write a letter to someone who is dear to you today.

Happy Lettering!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

U is for...

U is for...
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
These were in little man's room. They were toys of mine when I was child but they are older than me. I think they are delightful..i'm holding on to these babies.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Crafty me ...

Crafty me ...
Originally uploaded by Lalabaloobah
Finally, I made a knitting came out pretty nice. What do you think? You could use if for whatever else too, but I'm a knitter and hooker and a girl needs a bag just for that reason.

It's a New Year, folks...

And I'm wondering if I came up with any resolutions this year...hmmmmm. Well, I guess one of them is just to be more organized and that's not very exciting, but at the same time, it provides me with a little incentive to be just that, organized. Not to say that my life is completely chaotic, but when I get busy, yes, things start to look like a tornado and a hurricane have blown through.

Guess what internets, I'm back to eating MEAT. You heard me, MEAT. And it's not just any ol''s the no hormones, free range kinda stuff. And oh my goodness, I think my body is proudly rejoicing. So, slowly and surely my weeks are incorporating eating meat, but not daily.

Yay for meat! I can't believe I just said that...